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FeedbackBulb Swift SDK Update 1.2
Feedbackbulb SDK for Swift apps -

I'm happy to report that an updated version of FeedbackBulb's SDK for iOS and macOS Catalyst apps is now available 🎉!

Version 1.2 of the SDK was released mainly to add a Privacy Manifest for all public targets of the library.

The privacy manifest is a property list where apps and libraries can define the types of data they collect and use for their operation.

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The FeedbackBulb SDK offers a “ready to use” component which allows your users to submit feedback like report issues or ideas for future improvements.

With our default configuration, FeedbackBulb does not ask or collect any personally identifiable information. In addition, we do not use any sensitive system APIs which may result in accidental fingerprinting.

The type of data we've listed as being collected is Data generated by the user during a customer support request a.k.a. NSPrivacyCollectedDataTypeCustomerSupport. This information is securely stored within the context of a specific feedback report—we do not track users across apps, and we do not correlate any of their feedback activity.

Adding FeedbackBulb to an iOS or macOS app is straightforward—add a reference to the SPM package and initiate the widget when the user is supposed to see the feedback form. Checkout our Quick Start guide for more details.

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